Entur + ChatGPT by Kindly

This is a plugin under development by Kindly for ChatGPT. Please note that this plugin has not yet been published on the ChatGPT plugins directory. In order to use it, you will need to follow these instructions:

  1. Open a new ChatGPT session and select GPT-4.
  2. When you hover over GPT-4, a menu will appear. Click on "Plugins".
  3. In the plugins menu, select "Plugin store".
  4. In the plugin window, scroll to the bottom and select "Develop your own plugin".
  5. In the input field, add `entur.dev.kindly.ai`.
  6. Click "Find manifest file" and confirm on the subsequent dialogues.
  7. You will be returned to the chat, and the plugin will be enabled.

You can now ask ChatGPT questions like "When does the next tram depart from Jernbanetorget towards Carl Berner".